
Simple advice

My thoughts for today, such as they are. What can I bring my readers that's a bit different? What can I say that might lift their spirits or make them feel less alone? Let's begin with words I've currently banned from this blog: Unprecedented Extraordinary Challenging With my hand on the Macquarie Dictionary, I swear …

WTF Can I Do?

I'm a devotee of Morning Pages, dear reader. I encourage all my friends and course participants to take up the practice. Three pages of foolscap, free fall, stream of consciousness writing every morning before ANYTHING ELSE. Every day. I light a candle, sit down and write. Usually before dawn. To say it's cathartic is an …

My Depth Year, 2019

My Depth Year is about noticing the everyday and acknowledging what goes on. This afternoon in the space of ten minutes, I saved a lizard from drowning in my watering can, buried a dead bird in the fairy garden and planted a row of black hollyhocks at the foot of a fallen mulberry tree. So …