Behold! The children’s book industry. Here’s how it works

Is there a hierarchy in the children’s book industry?

Hell yeah!

If you’re just entering this dog-eat-dog world, think of it like a school. A large, grey bugger with tall fences and lots of asphalt.


The picture book creators are kept inside, in a rarefied, humidity-controlled, tastefully decorated sanctuary. Busy finger painting. Will speak to fairies. No one else.

The junior fiction authors spend most of their time on the monkey bars. Occasionally flash their knickers. Known to pull faces. At each other.

The middle grade authors are in the auditorium, rehearsing Shakespeare and bossing each other around. Still believe in unicorns. Will deny it.

The YA authors are behind the shelter sheds, smoking. Some even do the drawback. Will jab nerds with a compass.

The nonfiction authors are in the library, reading Funk and Wagnalls and sucking up to the librarian. Begin every sentence with, ‘Did you know…’

The poets are on the canteen roof, eating black licorice and staring down rain clouds.

The indie authors are in detention. Writing lines and organising coups.

The illustrators are in the toilets. Spraying graffiti. Cutting each other’s hair. Giggling.

The graphic designers. School? Yeah, right.

The publishers are in the front office, holding the principal to ransom, threatening people via the overhead speakers.

The editors are in the stationery cupboard, playing Scrabble and sniffing paper.

The agents are in the staff room. Eating biscuits.

The reviewers are in the canteen. Icing cupcakes — and polishing bruised apples.

The literary judges.  Aka, The Inspectors. Pop up when least expected. Carry clipboards (with nothing on them). Frighten the bejesus out of everyone. Can’t always be seen. Have access to cunning disguises. And invisibility cloaks.

Some players take on more than one role.

That’s when things get messy.

That’s when the analogy breaks down.


Hear the bell?

Gotta run.

Jen xo

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17 Replies to “Behold! The children’s book industry. Here’s how it works”

  1. triciasimmons – Pat worked with primary age children for many years in out of school hours and museum settings. She is a writer of short stories, flash fiction, picture books and poetry. She also loves minibeasts! (Especially stick insects) You can find more about Pat at
    triciasimmons says:

    That’s made my day – bloody hilarious Jen

  2. have2have1 – I've been writing over 30 years now, but I'm very aware of how much more there still is to learn. And that's part of the joy, and frustration in this career that chose me, rather than me choosing it. Although I loved reading when I was young, I always thought that everyone loved words the way I did. I did well in English throughout my high school, but nothing outstanding enough for any teacher to suggest I might consider writing as a career option. Besides, I'd already decided to be a Primary Teacher and began my training at 16. It was a job I loved, but around about 30 years of age, I began writing small pieces for my daughters, and sought out a group in South Australia called the Fellowship of Australian Writers. I never took tertiary courses in writing, and in a way I wished that I had. As it was I learned from books, attending courses, becoming a member of the South Australian Writers' Centre, joining a children's writing group called 'Ekidnas', and receiving bundles of rejections. So where am I now? With nearly 70 books published, I feel pleased to be part of the world of Australian children's writers. To read more about my books or poetry, please visit my website: My passions are writing, reading, craft making, creating mosaics, gardening, the theatre and film, keeping active and exercising and of course, spending time with my family and friends.
    have2have1 says:

    What a great take on it, Jen. And a lot of laughs into the bargain! x

  3. Artelle Lenthall – Sydney, Australia – Hi Fellow Children’s Writers and Friends, I am a published Picture Book author as well as a wife, mother and Primary School teacher. I am loving the new 'sites' on the continuing road to publication. I belong to the Fellowship of Australian Writers(FAW) Creative Kids Tales(CKT) Jen Storer’s The Scribblers and although I'd love to belong to more writing related organisations, I have found friends, support, critiquing and general encouragement with these, for which I am truly grateful. I also subscribe to Tara Lazar's specialist Picture Book website; How to Write For Kids While Raising Them, Buzz Words and The Duck Pond where I am one of the moderators. These inspire me in the development of my craft. Worth a look if like me, Picture Books and Children’s Writing are your passion.
    Artelle Lenthall says:

    Made me giggle fairy Jen, as I finger paint the fantastical images found in the fairy floss clouds 😉

  4. Sandy Fussell – I love words, numbers and playing around on the internet. I'm the author of fourteen books including the Samurai Kids series and Sad, the Dog. I call myself the Cinderella author, convinced someone has waved a magic wand over me, and secretly worried I might turn back into a pumpkin in the middle of a school visit. I'm also an ICT consultant, children's book reviewer for The Funday Sunday Telegraph and Festival Co-ordinator at The Story Crowd. Visit my new website to say hi: or find me at
    Sandy Fussell says:

    You mean this is not a serious post? I have so many friends and colleagues that fit the slot including me!

  5. As you know, I have indeed read the Funk & Wagnalls standard dictionary of the English language, and I’ve played Scrabble whilst sniffing paper in a cupboard, but now that you’ve outlined the antics of the other strange characters in the book industry, I want to expand my experiences. First up, I’ve never been on a monkey bar, but I’m willing ot flash my knickers…and I’m very good at pulling faces.

  6. So brilliant. Now, the blog-behind-the-blog, please. What inspired this? Careful notes over a long period? A mad moment of insight? Created because of a particular gnashing of teeth memory or just with tongue firmly in cheek?

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