Angels, graves and unseen helping hands: How things got weird when I was writing Tensy Farlow

Sometimes, weird shit happens when you write books and stories. Actually. Scrub that. Replace sometimes with all the time. When we write stories we tap into our subconscious. But, I believe we also tap into the collective unconscious. In my opinion, the collective unconscious informs and fuels the imagination. I see the imagination as a …

Here’s why minor characters are important

I remember reading one time, that the difference between secondary characters and minor characters  is  that minor characters don't speak. Sometimes they don't even have names. This definition confused me. All my stories have minor characters who speak. Sometimes they have quite a lot to say. Does that make them secondary characters? Is that how they …

Want readers to sigh over your work? Try this

Universalities. Those little pearls of wisdom… In literature, universalities are statements that apply to everyone or to the human condition. Sometimes they're accurate, insightful and give readers, young and old, a lovely ah-ha moment. Sometimes they're grossly inaccurate. Famous universalities in literature include: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a …

My Random Writing Routine. Or, How To Bumble Your Way to Success.

Nifty tips. Everyone wants them. Ten Tips for Honing Voice. Seven Steps to Quirky Characters. Three Ways to Ensure your Lipstick Never Moves while Public Speaking. (Actually, I should write that last one. I’ve got it covered). Tips about creative writing abound and for those of us in the trade they’re fairly easy to knock …

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