My three words for 2019: A mid year check in.

Hello, dear reader!

It’s a full moon tonight. Plus, we’re heading towards Winter Solstice.

A good time to reflect, yes?

So, a super quick post.

What were your words for 2019? Do you even remember  them?

In my Moon Circle we’ve been contemplating the bounty of the Goddess. I took this pic at the local florist.

My 2019 words were:





Clarity has been tricky.  I’ve had my knickers in a knot more than once this year.

But I keep working.

Depth Year has helped.

Although my commitment to that has wavered, too. And I’ve been pretty crap at the Low Buy part. Like, totally crap. I should not have committed to a Low Buy year when we’re in the middle of restoring an old house. Der.

In my defence, almost everything I’ve purchased this year has been from charity shops, antique shops or makers markets.

Converting the potting shed into a room of one’s own has been a huge success.

I’ve bought one new dress. I’m okay with that…

Plus, I’ve stuck to the ‘one book at a time’ self imposed rule. No new books until I finish the one I’m reading.

This means there has often been a long time lapse between books. And that’s been a  fecking drag. It’s forced me to reread old stuff. And that’s been a fecking bonus.

Cool, hey?

A focus on clarity can lead to acceptance.

Who would have thought?

For example. I’ve finally, FINALLY embraced the ‘fact’ that I’m an empath.

This was a big thing for me.

Because I’m an empath, I feel just about everything that flies past me; that comes into my zone. I’d be a HOPELESS counsellor.  My biggest ‘problem’ has always been that I can’t always figure out where my feelings end and the other person’s begin.

Emotionally, if I haven’t got my wits about me, things get murky. I take it all on. I slide into overwhelm real fast.

I get muddled. Frustrated. Scared. Worse than that, I get exhausted.

People exhaust me.

Accepting that I’m an empath has helped me reframe how I think about people and relationships and how I communicate with those closest to me.

It’s a work in progress. I’m not on top of it yet.


Meh. It hasn’t really worked for me. I forget about ease ALL THE TIME.


Quiet is nice.

I wrote QUIET on the kitchen blackboard. I wrote it REALLY LOUD.

Quiet has led me to seek more silence. The empath in me has rejoiced.

Quiet has also led me to solitude. Just a little bit of solitude.

This has sheltered me from the emotional noise that was leaving me ragged and helped me get clear on who the hell I am and what I want from life and my relationships.

Nice work, quiet.

Of course, my withdrawal had to come with a permission slip. A permission slip from ME. That was tough. I don’t like to appear aloof or uncaring.

But self preservation takes precedence as you get older.

And clarity demands you know yourself above all else.

Dear reader, does a blog post like this help?

I’m no oracle.

But I like to think I’m honest.

And open.

Dawn in the country still leaves me breathless.

I LOVE that people read this blog and resonate with it. It means the world to me. Sometimes, I think this blog means more to me than my books.

Or maybe it’s an equal first.

Yeah. That’s what it is.

Enjoy the full moon, dear reader.

‘The moon is the ever-changing mirror of the heavens, the light of the imagination, the High Priestess of the Night Skies.’

Embrace her light. Strive to emit her light. Or simply hold her light close to your heart— if that’s what you need right now.

Until next time

Warmest blessings

Jen xo

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14 Replies to “My three words for 2019: A mid year check in.”

  1. A blog that resonates with the majority of its followers, says more than a thousand words. Thanks for the knowing and the lessons you are teaching us.

  2. That all makes beautiful sense to me Jen. Getting to know yourself better as you age is certainly an interesting journey…so often surprising.
    I don’t tend to stick to words for a whole year (but am impressed with those who do!) I find I will engage with one that becomes like a mantra for a time and then another will take its place. There seems to be a lot of serendipity in the finding of meaningful words.

  3. have2have1 – I've been writing over 30 years now, but I'm very aware of how much more there still is to learn. And that's part of the joy, and frustration in this career that chose me, rather than me choosing it. Although I loved reading when I was young, I always thought that everyone loved words the way I did. I did well in English throughout my high school, but nothing outstanding enough for any teacher to suggest I might consider writing as a career option. Besides, I'd already decided to be a Primary Teacher and began my training at 16. It was a job I loved, but around about 30 years of age, I began writing small pieces for my daughters, and sought out a group in South Australia called the Fellowship of Australian Writers. I never took tertiary courses in writing, and in a way I wished that I had. As it was I learned from books, attending courses, becoming a member of the South Australian Writers' Centre, joining a children's writing group called 'Ekidnas', and receiving bundles of rejections. So where am I now? With nearly 70 books published, I feel pleased to be part of the world of Australian children's writers. To read more about my books or poetry, please visit my website: My passions are writing, reading, craft making, creating mosaics, gardening, the theatre and film, keeping active and exercising and of course, spending time with my family and friends.
    have2have1 says:

    From one empath to another – though I’ve never heard the term, Jen.
    Thanks for your wonderful post, and yes, you are honest, which is one of my current aims in life – in what I’m feeling, what I’m saying and what I’m writing.
    I, too, get exhausted if I’m with people for too long – especially large groups- but I love being with people who make me laugh or with whom I can bat witty/funny comments. Since having breast cancer, I feel that my body’s also telling me to step back (from running workshops etc), and enjoy what I want to enjoy. But there are still itches from long ago, that need dealing with – but I think I’m kinder to myself than I used to be.
    Jen, I’m enjoying your journey. I hope you keep enjoying it too. You’re doing so well. x

  4. Thank you Jen for your post today, it really resonates with me, especially the part about being an empath and the need for solitude. I will give you and your post some thought. Hoping for clear skies tonight.

  5. Hi Jen,
    Yes, a blog post like this always helps. Always has. 🙂 It’s a dearsweetcomfortable pleasure to read them.
    Have you read or listened to Susan Cain’s ‘Quiet’ or her ted talks/interview?
    But I must ask, with a wee tiny bit of trepidation, awhat is that in your hand as you’re walking up the hill? Coz it looks like a pink pompom with rabbit ears on a stick – and that’s ok! I’m just curious 🙂

  6. Hi Jen,
    Yes, a blog post like this always helps. Always has. 🙂 It’s a dearsweetcomfortable pleasure to read them.
    Have you read or listened to Susan Cain’s ‘Quiet’ or her ted talks/interview?
    But I must ask, with a wee tiny bit of trepidation, awhat is that in your hand as you’re walking up the hill? Coz it looks like a pink pompom with rabbit ears on a stick – and that’s ok! I’m just curious 🙂

    1. LOL! It looks odd, yes. It’s a kewpie doll With fairy wings. I bought her from a junk table at a market then took her out for some sunshine and fresh air…

  7. Thanks for sharing so eloquently gorg. The Year of Depth resonated for me. Leading to a crisis of Spirit. Months later it’s in the hot stillness that I so desperately try to escape that I’m beginning to find refuge. My mornings have become sacred. I wake earlier and earlier from 2 – 5.30 and in the dead of night, literally I sit with whatever soul stuff comes up. Appreciate you sharing your truth Jen, it helps me to find mine. Love and Light Dx

  8. Hi Jen .. love this . love the moon …. As I’ve matured I have taken notice of the moon … and link my creative flow with her energy … and it’s so interesting . So the full moon is when my ideas come to a rising finish and I get very motivated about 10 days before to complete something ..a story .. a doll .. . In the past I would feel frustrated and angstsy with myself .. as if I was stuck on something … but now I check where the moon is at … and often it’s the dark side when she is shining no light … now instead of beating myself up.. I celebrate the dark non- doing times as the time little seeds of ideas birth ..

    I am an empath too .. and didn’t understand it for years.. but there seems to be so much more info on the web these days … so maybe we’re evolving into more empathic people ???

    I read a book a while back called ‘The Empaths Survival Guide’ by Judith Orloff…. it is excellent and really made sense of my feelings. … I understand myself better ….

    cheers Jill

  9. Hi Jen. What a beautiful post, and so relatable. I’m also an empath and I also find it hard to distinguish between my own emotions and those of others. Life seems so simple and peaceful away from the “noise” of others.

  10. Does it help? I am back for a third or fourth read, I’ve lost count.
    ‘ But self preservation takes precedence as you get older.
    And clarity demands you know yourself above all else.’
    Goodness me! Does it help? Yes, yes, yes. The warm words slip quietly into my soul and take up residence. Thank you.

  11. Maria Parenti – Australia – Welcome. I love writing about the quirky, quaint, historical and anything that has a glimpse of story. 🍃On my blog you'll find my recent Personal Trainer (PT) journey under Fitness and Health, plus Writerly Wisdoms from authors and illustrators; Reviews of picture books and personal blog with family, recipes, Atherton Lands other interests. 🦋It's easier to 'like' or 'comment' on Facebook, unless you're a Wordpress user. 🐳Thank you for supporting me.
    Maria Parenti-Baldey says:

    Thank you Jen, 3 words have been difficult to pin. However to quieten and refocus me, I take 3 slow deep breaths for 3 sec inhales and 3 sec exhales.

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