A push-back. Yes, I’m cross.

I don’t normally, okay, I NEVER, write blog posts when I’m angry. So. I’m not angry now. Okay?


This morning, while doing the breakfast dishes, I started watching a Youtube video by a woman I truly admire. Love her videos. And her message. Like, seriously LOVE.

But then she started on about how shallow many other Youtubers are. And how egocentric. And how all they want to do is get their face on camera. And grandstand. And talk about themselves and/or frivolous, first world rubbish. Yadda Yadda.

And it got my back up.

Sure. There are dickheads on Youtube.  And Facebook. And Instagram. And down at the local IGA.

There are dickheads EVERYWHERE. And I say, so be it. It’s their world, too.

But the thing I want to say, the thing that’s gnawing at me, is this: As women, we need to be VERY careful when we chastise others for being visible. For speaking out. For getting in front of a camera and talking about their passions. We must realise that for many of us, being visible, putting our head above the parapet, is a constant challenge. It’s more than confronting. It’s really bloody scary. It takes courage. And we need role models.

In days not so long ago, women were burned at the stake for speaking out. We carry this memory in our dna. It haunts us. Whether we acknowledge it or not, it determines, for many of us, how we exist in the world. How we craft our lives.

Youtube has given countless women, all shapes, sizes, ages, colours and creeds, the opportunity to be SEEN. To speak out. To reach out. To express themselves in unprecedented ways. I realise I speak from the perspective of a white, middle-class Westerner. I am clearly privileged. But online opportunities are growing and spreading. Constantly. For the first time in history, we have an ever-expanding, international platform governed by—no one. No middleman, no suit, no gatekeeper, no church elder, and certainly no Minister for Good Taste and Proper Manners.

We can use this platform to get our message out there. To connect, inspire, educate, and encourage. We can also use it to build businesses and achieve financial independence.

We can use it to talk shit and preen, too. If that’s what we want.

Whether we use it to discuss politics or makeup, we have this remarkable tool right at our fingertips. We should celebrate it. Embrace it. Get down on our friggin knees and be thankful for it.

And we shouldn’t denigrate others just because they aren’t our cup of tea.

We don’t have to pop a vein over it.

All we have to do is change channels.

Jen Signature_web



6 Replies to “A push-back. Yes, I’m cross.”

  1. Jen, I am sorry you are feeling cross and cranky; maybe the piles of boxes have exacerbated this feeling but I agree, that woman should be supporting each other in whatever endeavour. I dashed off a cranky letter to the paper and our Premier about the two women ministers in the NSW govt who voted against!!! the bill to prevent harassment around Health Clinics..they both should be sacked. One is the Minister for Women !!

  2. Something went wrong. Got down as far my brand new website (lots still to do to it) and the whole thing disappeared. Will start again.

    Liked what you wrote. About women being able to put themselves out there and having the tools to do it. I made my first video a few days ago and deleted it because I hate looking and listening to myself and I’m scared – of not doing it well and being at the mercy of naysayers. I need to do it if I want to market my Aunt Sally stories.

    I thought this was supposed to be a free country and a democratic one. Eg, I may not like what you say but I’ll fight to the death for your right to say it.

  3. Deb Smith – Creative Writer & Teacher I enjoy the simple things in life and try to take pleasure in all I do. I have been interested in creative writing for most of my life, beginning with me writing and illustrating my own books when I was about seven years old. I also have a deep love of books and I am often found tucked up somewhere comfy, lost in the world of make believe. I have been a teacher for most of my working life, but a number of years ago, I gave away full time teaching to pursue a post-graduate diploma in a creative writing course at QUT Brisbane, Australia. It was here where I fell in love with the classics, poetry and enjoyed the freedom to write for myself. Going back to university was the best thing I've ever done for myself. Funnily enough, I have managed to blend my love for writing with my love for children and now teach creative writing, part time at a large independent school in Brisbane, to students who are gifted in this area. Helping students use their gifts and talents brings a great joy to me and I am passionate when it comes to sharing my love for writing and books with them and anyone else who is like-minded. For the past six or seven years I have concentrated on developing my writing skills. I have written quite a number of short stories, many poems, and have recently been spending more time developing my interests in the area of writing for children. Sometime in the future I just may decide to test the waters of that scary publishing place; you just never know, and as they say, stranger things have happened. I think it would be rather cool to be published at some stage. I have begun entering the occasional writing competition and have met with some success and that has inspired me further. I write three blogs when I have time, although I'm still navigating my way around technology and hosted Novel Tea n Pages Book Club for three years. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read my bio. Debbie
    Deb Smith says:

    Well said, Jen. Touché! 😊

  4. Oooh! Feisty and sassy. Good on you for expressing your anger! It’s great to hear another point of view – and I get yours I truly do! Good perspective on the topic. Funnily enough though I saw that Youtube too and thoroughly agreed with her perspective! Now I can agree with yours too. 😉 Haha! Excellent that we can all express ourselves here and it is OK, share understanding or rage at each other’s opinions even and we are still loved and accepted… (Although I do think many of these Youtubers are unwittingly controlled and conforming to all sorts of rules, laid down by society…) Your perspective gave the topic other dimension for me which I had not considered. Thank you. Rah! Xx

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